

21.10.2021 19:49

Historical development

Establishment of Vocational School of Health Services within the body of Muş Alparslan University, which was established on 29/05/2007, was proposed to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education with the decision of our university dated 11/09/2015 and numbered 9/27. It was examined at the Higher Education General Assembly meeting dated 03.07.2017 and approved in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of the Law No. 2547 amended by the Law No. 2880.

Under the name of Vocational School of Health Services, it continues its educational activities with 5 departments, 13 programs, 38 academic staff, 4 administrative staff and 947 students.

The proposals of the Council of Higher Education to open programs within the Vocational Schools were examined at the Higher Education Executive Board meeting dated 03/03/2016 and in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of the Law No. provided that detailed information is given.

Medical Laboratory Techniques Program (Department of Medical Services and Techniques)
Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program (Department of Medical Services and Techniques)
Pathology Laboratory Techniques Program (Department of Medical Services and Techniques)
First and Emergency Aid Program (Medical Services and Techniques Division)
Disabled Care and Rehabilitation Program (Therapy and Rehabilitation Department)
The proposals of the Council of Higher Education to open programs within the Vocational Schools were examined at the Higher Education Executive Board meeting dated 23/12/2020 and in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of the Law No.

Dialysis Program (Department of Medical Services and Techniques)
Audiometry Program (Department of Medical Services and Techniques)
Podology Program (Health Care Services Department)
Oral and Dental Health Program (Department of Dentistry Services)
The proposal of the Presidency of our University to include the Elderly Care and Child Development Programs within the newly established School of Health Services within the Vocational School of Social Sciences, and to transfer the vacant and vacant positions in the said programs to the Vocational School of Health Services together with the existing ones in the Higher Education Executive Board at the meeting dated 03/05/2016. found suitable.

Departments and Programs in our Vocational School;

1- Department of Medical Services and Techniques

Operating Room Services Program
First and Emergency Aid Program
Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program
Medical Laboratory Techniques Program
Pathology Laboratory Techniques Program
Dialysis Program
Audiometry Program
2- Department of Therapy and Rehabilitation

Disabled Care and Rehabilitation Program
Physiotherapy Program
3- Department of Child Care and Youth Services

Child Development Program
4- Department of Health Care Services

Aged Care Program
Podology Program
5- Department of Dentistry Services

Oral and Dental Health Program

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